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Collection: Seasonings

Like spices and herbs which are in their normal plant base and unaltered, Seasonings are a blend of different herbs and spices.

I identify spices that are specific to each meal and masterfully craft them over and over to deliver the most delicious taste ever, making cooking easy and enjoyable for everyone at every age. Our blends are prepared so you don’t have to worry about what and which spice to add to any cooking, for example, our chicken seasoning is made with Turmeric and sweet Onion powder, once I created the blend, I will cook different kinds of poultry to identify the best flavor, either on a hen, chicken parts, ducks or turkey. During the process, and with a soft tasting, my favorite customers will tell me what works, what needs to be reduced, and what needs to be enhanced. The Chicken seasoning is perfect for all kinds of small birds, but not perfect for cooking Turkey, I realized it had to have more combinations of Cloves and Thyme since the Turkey is a bigger bird.

However, a lot of our special blends are made from inputs from my customers who just love to cook with us. So, I will say Sisi Lola Spices is made completely from the contributions of my customers across Atlanta.

Without stressing or combining different spices or seasonings or wondering what to combine to a recipe, one blend of Sisi Lola Seasoning is enough to create the magic!
